MARCH STUDIO HOURS | SU to TH 4-10pm | FR-SAT- 4-11:55pm | 954.274.7047
MARCH STUDIO HOURS | SU to TH 4-10pm | FR-SAT- 4-11:55pm | 954.274.7047
"S U R R E A L | exhibit"
Salvador DiQuinzio
Mar 8 to May 2
EXHIBIT at the studio & online
Artists Exhibitions by Claudia Castillo, Gabriel Garbow, Javier Trelis, Robert Jaso, Sylvia Restrepo, Paola Gracey, Brad Welch, Robert Catapano, De Loran, Darren Domingo, Joachim Lombard, John Davies, Salvador Di Quinzio, Kou Shou, Christian Feneck, Marion Di Quinzio, Rafael Carabano, Christopher Furminger, Max Smouzh, Ana Maria Hoyos, & Jaime Graschinsky at the studio & at the 'Current Exhibition'